Saturday, August 29, 2009

Canadian Health Care

We have heard US Administration representatives and some members of Congress make various references to the advantages of the Canadian healthcare system.
Here are some excerpts from a recent article in The Canadian Press:
"The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association says this country's health-care system is sick and doctors need to develop a plan to cure it."
"Dr. Anne Doig says patients are getting less than optimal care and she adds that physicians from across the country - who will gather in Saskatoon on Sunday for their annual meeting - recognize that changes must be made."
"We all agree that the system is imploding. We all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize," Doing said in an interview with The Canadian Press."
"Dr. Robert Ouellet, the current president of the CMA, has said there's a critical need to make Canada's health-care system patient-centred."
""(Canadians) have to understand that the system that we have right now - if it keeps on going without change - is not sustainable," said Doig."

Since the Canadians have a system of socialized medicine, perhaps we should be ultra careful to see that we don't start the same thing. However, the US Administration is trying to ram this down our throats.

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