Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Presidential Obama's Speech on Health Care

Pres. Obama gave a wonderful speech on health care this evening! His plan was not significantly different than what we already had heard, but it was logical and addressed the emotional needs of people toward their fellow man by use of anecdotal material.
I was much satisfied with the value of the plan, even though it is socialistic in nature and generally in contrast to what I normally believe as an advocate for pursuit of opportunity and advancement.
My main problem still exists. I have an innate distrust of government and Pres. Obama specifically. I admit that, in this life, it is necessary to place trust in other people on many of our daily operations, but I tend to shy away from granting complete trust and power to those who could do me harm without any opportunity for my self protection.
It is government's responsibility to protect me as a citizen from foreign aggressors. I cede to government my trust in that area, because I have no alternative. Conversely, I have had the ability to control my own healthcare by good judgment, physical ability, and financial means. Therefore I have no motivation to voluntarily trust government to control my health. To do so would be to forgo my God-given responsibilities and my Constitutional liberties.

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