Wednesday, September 30, 2009

GOP Lies in Healthcare

E-mail to Congress:

EIN News says, "The Lie Machine. GOP operatives are running a secret campaign to kill health care reform, and it's based on Karl Rove's old playbook. (".

Looking at the name of the reference source, I had some suspicions. I then checked "", and found what I had suspected. It is a leftist/socialist Internet rag filled with innuendo, name-calling and a complete absence of factual information. It is in the same category as the "National Enquirer", which we see at the checkout counters of supermarkets.

These people have a constitutional right to print whatever opinions they wish. The publication will appeal to the emotionalism of a segment of the population. Those of us who are less guided by emotion and more inclined to an analytical approach, have an obligation to keep the society on a logical track.

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