Friday, October 23, 2009

Public Option?

There has been much written concerning the very complex details of healthcare. It is essentially impossible to to keep up with them.

However, there are some key aspects, which are relatively easy to grasp.

We are now socially in a "fad" concerning healthcare. The general public wants to live forever and are pursuing Ponce de Leon's Fountain of Youth. Conversion to dependence on government over the last 50 years has led to the belief that the "Fountain" is government. Everybody likes free stuff, and government will supply it. This is why Obama has a greater than 50% approval rating.

Recent polls show that the general public has essentially no idea of the meaning of "Public Option". They will vote for it as part of the free stuff, not realizing that the "Option" is temporary. They will initially have an opportunity to choose between government and private offered health insurance programs. Since government will offer a better deal on free stuff, they will choose the government plan. Within five years, private insurance plans will longer exist, since they will have been unable to compete with government. Where then is the option?

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